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Ruahine ranges
The Ruahine Ranges rise to 1,700m and protect our area from the wetter westerly fronts, resulting in a rainshadow (ie. less rain). The mountains are very scenic being covered in native bush and snow capped in winter. Sunrise Hut is a popular tramping route and the pointed ridge features in our logo profile.

The undulating limestone hills are the backbone of Lime Rock, providing frost free slopes, maximum sun angle and exciting down-hilling events in the tractor.

The limestone base (Coquina) consists largely of crushed barnacles, imbedded with large oyster and scallop shells. This base is overlain with loess (wind blown sediments) and topped with volcanic ash providing free draining, moderately fertile soils.
The vines respond to the above environmental influences and our management . The results are expressed in the final wines. The terroir speaks!